Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Big Broadway Show is Back - 9 to 5, West Side Story, Shrek, and Billy Elliot

9 to 5... what a way to make a living... Ain't it the truth. After seeing the show I came away thinking it will do well on Broadway. Very strong title, well staged and choreographed, good performances and productions values. This is a BIG show and it delivers what a Broadway show should, an entertaining evening. You see where you $110 bucks went... Is it inspiring, No. Will it get super reviews and word of mouth, I don't think so... but the tourists not sure about what to see will be drawn to it and with Dolly behind it, it will sell tickets. It just depends on what the net is for how long it will remain open.

I really do believe "small" shows on Broadway are going to find it a challenge to stay open in these economic times. Many might find that exactly opposite what you would expect. Smaller shows, smaller budgets and operating expenses. But shows like Wicked, South Pacific, and the upcoming Shrek, Billiy Elliot, and West Side Story all deliver a BIG BROADWAY SHOW. When you're asking for Joe Plummer's 110 bucks, they better get 110 bucks worth of costumes, orchestrations, sets and dance numbers. With that in mind, it will be up to the producers to find ways to make these BIG shows stay budget friendly, and that will be the trick.

Dolly and her producers are probably changing their tune now to, "Broadway, what a way to make a living!"

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